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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Ethnocentrism Paragraph

When the British came to colonize Australia, they looked at the way the Aboriginals lived in an ethnocentric manner causing conflict between the two cultures. The British viewed the First Australian as savage, wild, uneducated, uncivil zed and also thought that they should be gotten rid off. Such views of the First Australians showed the ethnocentrism of the British were because the ways of the First Australians were different to the British, they were seen as inhuman, uncivilized, foreign, wrong and also labeling First Australians as less than keeps the British superior and the First Australians inferior. When the British came to Australia they spread a disease called small pox trough out Australia which made a lot of Aboriginals sick and made many die. The British also started fighting for land against other tribes in Australia because they wanted to expand their colonise and wanted to increase they’re farm so they were able to grow the right crops the food they like to eat. Because of the ethnocentrism between the British and the Aboriginals it led to many people dying and made the British view the Aboriginals as lesser people to the British, which made the British to invade many parts of the East side of Australia causing many wars between them and many other Aboriginal tribes.

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